I am Hasni Nihar

CEO Hazz Technologies,Web Developer,Web Designer,Frontend Developer,Graphic Designer,Network Technician

Name: Hasni Nihar

Profile: Software Developer/ Network Technician

Email: hasninihar@outlook.com

Phone: (+94) 767-826403


HTML 95%
CSS3 90%
PHP 80%
My SQL 85%
C/C++ 50%
JAVA 80%
Android 60%
React JS 40%
About me

I am an enthusiastic Software Developer and a network technician with an experience in both fields. Actively seeking to work in an organization where I can use my skills and knowledge to deliver value added results as well as further enhance my learning and to develop my career in the field software developer as well as network technician.


We deliver our best in what we do

Web Design

Web improvement encompasses a gigantic arrangement of rules and procedures each site engineer should think about. Sometime in the past HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL were utilized to be the fundamental web improvement advances to build up a site or web application. In any case, with the rise of a few new web improvement advances, instruments, structures, and dialects over the most recent couple of years, it has now gotten very trying for one to choose what to focus on and what to skip.

Web Development

Web development comes with a huge set of rules and techniques every website developer should know about. If you want a website to look and function as you wish them to, you need to get familiar with web technologies that will help you achieve your goal. Developing an app or a website typically comes down to knowing 3 main languages: JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. And while it sounds quite complicated, once you know what you are doing, understanding web technology and the way it works becomes significantly easier.


Knowing what the top photography trends are in the industry is incredibly useful. Whether for wedding shots, stock images, or product photography, knowing what to shoot puts you at the top of the curve.Clients are always looking for something new. They are aiming at using images that others don’t have, as it makes their own products one-of-a-kind.We can never be sure about the future of photography – it isn’t written yet. But, we can make predictions which could come over the next few years.

Mobile App Development

The mobile app development industry is continuously evolving. Technology advancements, consumer demands, and a wide range of other factors have a direct impact on mobile app trends.Staying up to date with the latest trends is arguably the most crucial aspect of success in this space. As a member of the Forbes Technology Council, I’m constantly researching patterns and communicating with other tech leaders about gaining an edge.

Graphic Design

Year 2020 is less than three months away and everyone is already wondering what the world of graphic design
will look like.
Undoubtedly, graphic design has always been a field of deep admiration and huge inspiration to many and we all can’t wait to see what awaits.
We’ve made a deep research to spot the rise in several particular trends which are expected to boom next year.

Marketing Services

Content marketing isn't anything new, but it remains and continues to be a good marketing tool for small businesses tight on money.
By adding a blog to your website, you can create interest in your products while establishing your brand as a thought leader in the industry.
Writing about topics that interest your customers is a great way to build brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Network Services

We are fully equipped with technologies, tools and the experienced engineering team who hold copious industry and vendor accreditations to carry networking services in accordance with the industry specifications. We conduct a free site survey and offer free quotations for the complete service and the customers can make an informed choice about the devices and the affordability of the service.

CCTV Solutions

With the modern internet facility and requirement of safety at premises, most organizations and individuals willing to install CCTV systems in their locations. We serve this requirement with predefined installation packages to meet the diverse needs and affordability of the customers.We guarantee the quality and durability of our solutions and in any case we offer 24/7 technical support service.

Computer Maintenance

specialize in fixing all kind of Desktops ,When we repair your desktop or laptop we will always let you know what happened and how to prevent it from happening again. We also always take the time to have you understand about preventative maintenance measures.We are working with ,Windows 7,Windows 8.1,Windows 10 troubleshooting your Os errors and installing.